Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ceramic Squirrel...has child..

So a month or so back I wrote about my poor pet squirrel who was rescued from a life of pain and suffering...well, it turns out he has a kid...TJ (Tadihito Jr.) Tadihito decided to be a good absentee father and send his son to vegas in an effort to win back years of is a selection of photos from the trip.
Pool side at the Venetian...

Still hanging at the Venetian...
Mime is such a dirty word..I like to think of this guy as a "living statue" and let me tell you.....this guy almost broke character when asked to "hold my squirrel"
Hoover Dam, took the Dam Tour, asked Dam Questions, had a damn good time.
NASCAR it's not just a people sport!
More Dam Photos
Never said I was one to follow rules...if dad had been around this picture wouldn't be a surprise to him...

I don't care what you say...I love Celine Dion and she love me!!
Hard to believe that Arizona has mountains this small...or is it that I am soo big!??
"Grandama" tour guide to all things Vegas.
Go him a clown....he's a jester...and don't you forget it!!
I said no salt for my margaritta...I will take my coupons to a competing resort...if I could find one in Vegas.