Friday, January 30, 2009

Things Joe Eats....

To get ready for a Guest spot on Things JK Eats ....

Seeing as JK has me "moving internal furniture" to make way for a monster from The Heart Attack Grill

For this experiment in food related journalism I decided to move in the direct opposite burger related direction.!

While the burgers at The Heart Attack Grill may be able to crush your skull (based on pictures) the only hazard the burgers I tried throw at you is choking! These tiny burgers aren't the tiny burgers you sliders here...the culprit this time.

The BK Burger Shot


As you can see there is no tiny easy to grip box...this bad boy comes in an industrial strength container that called for BK to design a larger take out with handles! These tiny burgers are manly in every aspect. Except for the fact that they are really, well, small!

First impression when you open in the box is, "well..there sure are six of them. Just as advertised!"photo.jpg

First impressions are important..never judge a book (or burger) by its cover. Also, if I may digress for a moment..never make fun of a movie based on what you think it will be like...because you may end up loving it later and eating a big bowl of crow....

photo.jpgREPO! The Genetic Opera...a prime rocks!! Go Buy the Soundtrack (currently available on itunes) see it in theatres, see it with friends, see it! See It! SEE IT!

But I digress....

I also got the impression that the crew at the "BK Lounge" wasn't all that into my late night order. as the above photo kinda shows...the just split the bun and dropped on some meat. The top six was one bun and the bottom part was the same. Granted there are directions on how to dismantle your burgers... Which, if you are going to sit down and eat, in a non driving type situation, isn't a problem. But, if you plan on trying to pull apart the buns "of steel" as you drive down the highway one of two things will happen:

1) you will crash and die, possibly taking others with you!
2) you will end up with two of the six burgers in your lap and on your shirt! (guess which happened to me!)

I must say that I did start off having a bit of a man crush on the burger pack. Mostly because I didn't fear the usual after effects of eating a certain competing mini burger en-masse.

White Castle has nothing to worry about from the BK doppleganger. The only real inprovement is that the burger tasts like...well, a burger. Packaging edge to the BK ( you don't have to order 20+ to get a big box/bag) taste...depends on preference...big edge in my book is that the BK shot doesn't hit the system quite as harsh as the slider. But, that may just be me!

So...on to the ratings!!

Texture: 10/10 (ranked against normal size BK burgers)
It's small, it's really small! But, it is just a mini BK burger. So if that is your thing...this one's for you.

Taste 10/10 (same as above)
It's just a mini BK burger...nothing lost nothing gained!...Sadly the two pickles on the patty were larger than the meat on two of my burgers. photo.jpg

overall 8/10
If you are looking for a smaller version of a larger BK burger...than look no further than the BK Burger Shot..if you are looking for a simple "slider" style burger these are nice (minus the fact that you need to concentrate on seperating each burger from their neighbor!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Long time coming...

Coming soon to a Things JK Eats blog near you...a thought provoking indepth look at....


All I can say at this point is I'm Scared...and I am also really happy that I don't qualify for a free meal!

I will post a link here after the war has been waged and the proof is up on my favorite other blog site!