Here I sit broken hearted, came to .......
Does anybody really know what time it is?
If I were a Carpenter...and you were a lady? Would you marry me anyway? Would you have my baby? (kind of a lot of up front pressue if you ask me?) on my side...yes it is. Except on days that I could really use an extra few minutes of sleep!
I found my thrill...on Blueberry Hill. (just goes to show that nicknames do evolve over time.... Incidently I found my thrill on S..... never mind)
Ever listen to the Manfred Mann cover of Bruce Springsteen's "Blinded by the light"?? Someone really needs to practice his pronunciation.....Wrapped up like a....what?? Listen to it...
If all the world's a stage....Where's my check for the production?
You can't always get what you can't take it with you...Be careful of what you wish for... Seems like even if you get finally get it..someone will just take it from why not skip a step and just take it from someone who already has it?
When the going gets tough....I usually like to take a nap.
Someone once tried to convince me that the Beatles never did any drugs.... My retort was..and I quote, "I am the!"....your drugs there. And Iron Butterfly intended on a 13 minute drum solo in the middle of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (or In the Garden of Eden--{pre drugs})
You are the sunshine of my that what this burning sensation is...sunburn?
People are stupid...that's all I got on this one.
Stranger: "Could you believe it when Paul McCartney covered Helter Skelter at last years Grammys?!!"
ME: know that's a Beatles Song?....
Stranger: "No way...Motley Crue totally recorded that on Shout at the Devil."
ME: "Yeah, Motley Crue would never cover the Beatles...(I show dumb ass the Beatles actually sang it first)
Stranger; "Well...that can't be the same song..."
Random Python Quotes:
"I like traffic Lights, I like Traffic lights"
"And now a massage from the Swedish Prime Minister"
"There's a dead bishop on the landing!!"
"Oh, come's wafer thin!'"
"I'm not the saviour!"
"Is there something funny about my friend...Biggus Dickus?"
Kevin Smith Quotes to build a life philosophy on:
"This job would be great if it wasn't for the customers."
"What you don't know about me you could just about fit in the Grand Fuckin' Canyon!"
...and never forget the power of the Stink Palm
"A small price to pay for the smiting of one's enemies."