Oops...I did it again!
Seems that Karma has decided to kick me in the ass again...I finally get a new car...That I am paying for..and what happens? The day before my first payment clears...I Hit A Freakin' Deer!
What makes the situation really strange is that I hit said deer in almost the same place that I bagged another one almost 10 years ago...That time it was prom night...coming back from Post Prom with my then girlfriend Sara...and we hit a deer...being that I didn't have a cell at the time we had to walk into town and wake my parents!
This time I was lucky enough to not have one cell..but two (you know...incase things got crazy!) The first time it was a Chevy Blazer...this time a Dodge Dakota! Thank god this wasn't last month when I was still driving my 1997 Dodge Stratus...that would have been ugly.
Things could have been worse though...as I was walking around my car I thought I stepped on a rock...or part of the deer! Instead of kicking it into the highway...I used the light from my cell to see what I was standing on************turns out it was my ipod! So that could have sucked more.
The State Trooper (Monica) was great...we had a few laughs...I couldn't believe I hit ANOTHER deer...she was lost since she wasn't in her own district..so there was a learning curve with the software she was using to file the report! All in all the situation could have been worse...but it still sucked pretty bad! I am fine...just a bit of a headache and some nausea...may go to the doctor on Monday if it keeps up!
But, here is what you have been waiting for...MORE PICTURES!!!