Oops...I did it again!
Seems that Karma has decided to kick me in the ass again...I finally get a new car...That I am paying for..and what happens? The day before my first payment clears...I Hit A Freakin' Deer!
What makes the situation really strange is that I hit said deer in almost the same place that I bagged another one almost 10 years ago...That time it was prom night...coming back from Post Prom with my then girlfriend Sara...and we hit a deer...being that I didn't have a cell at the time we had to walk into town and wake my parents!
This time I was lucky enough to not have one cell..but two (you know...incase things got crazy!) The first time it was a Chevy Blazer...this time a Dodge Dakota! Thank god this wasn't last month when I was still driving my 1997 Dodge Stratus...that would have been ugly.
Things could have been worse though...as I was walking around my car I thought I stepped on a rock...or part of the deer! Instead of kicking it into the highway...I used the light from my cell to see what I was standing on************turns out it was my ipod! So that could have sucked more.
The State Trooper (Monica) was great...we had a few laughs...I couldn't believe I hit ANOTHER deer...she was lost since she wasn't in her own district..so there was a learning curve with the software she was using to file the report! All in all the situation could have been worse...but it still sucked pretty bad! I am fine...just a bit of a headache and some nausea...may go to the doctor on Monday if it keeps up!
But, here is what you have been waiting for...MORE PICTURES!!!

My my... I don't know what so say, Jim!?!? I'm just really glad you were driving that truck... get well soon, man!!!
Man oh man. So what is the number on the repairs on teh truck. BTW I have a blog here, too called Sure As Butter.
Damage est. is still TBD... State Farm Adjuster to look at the truck on monday! Should be interesting. As I said....my first payment was Friday, about 31 minutes after I tore the deer a new one!
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