A long time ago...well, does circa 1998-1999 count as a long time ago? If it does this is the story of the drunkest night of my life.....Complete with Pictures!
Let me start by saying that I in no way advocate underage drinking (anymore) or binge drinking!
So, in general, "condo" parties were the best of times I guess there is something to be said for having friends who had a 28 year old roommate!...skipping ahead, drinking games are fun...but dangerous. That by the way is the moral of the story I am about to lay before you in short form (with pictures...not all of which were from the night in question).
Parties usually involved 20-30 people (Most of who know each other) many of who are, or were, dating someone at the party at the time, hangin out for hours on end..drinking...doing other things...drinking.
This specific night I started out with the following:

So needless to say a bottle later and I was in no shape to do anything...but that didn't mean that I did nothing. It was at this point that a certain friend decided to introduce me to a new, and he said "very easy" drinking game. One that should only take a few attempts at most to master.
Enter this man: (don't piss him off or he will lick your face...story for another time!)

Now this photo was taken at the end of the "Cardinal" process...but before the major excitement of the night. Ben tells me now that I acutally passed the game earlier....but he was feeling particularly Evil!....
Basically, I think he just wanted to see if I would stop...but I say quitting is for..well...quitters. After finishing the process I thought nothing was wrong. That was until I tried to jump down from sitting on the railing of the deck. It turns out that there was a thin layer of ice on the wood....which is what caused me to slip and slide head first through the window beside the sliding glass door: (notice the fine quick fix of plastic wrap and duct tape!)

But, since this picture is of the "morning after" I need to step back for a moment and fill in a little of what happend between my grand entrance and waking up the next morning. This is where if you have ever drank with me...or my buddy Chris...you may have heard of the main event of the evening. Strangly...it wasn't going head first through a double pane window!
After taking out the window I passed out on the couch...I don't know how long I was out, but I remember how I woke up! And so does everyone who was at the party!!! Here are the main words of the story...
I guess I have come to terms with this story...hence the reason I am sharing it with the world....Chris has shared it with enough people that I guess eveyone else should know.
To spare the gorey details here are the events in seven easy steps:
1) I vomit so hard that it hits the opposite wall (a good 12 feet so I am told)
2) People scatter--FAST
3) I get placed in the shower (Still Dressed)
4) People yell...laugh...Andy and Rachel sit outside the door and try to decide if I don't talk back how soon they should kick in the door and have Andy (always good to have and EMT at parties) "clear my airways"!!
5) Wake up...regret the evening...forget for close to 10 years about who actually witnessed the saddest night of your life...
6) Thank God that those who were there still consider you a Friend...
7) Know they will never let you forget the night
So that's it...now here are a few other pictures from that night and nights like it!

I have no idea how I missed those parties. I had to have known about them. *shurgs* I may have been in the middle my Reverend Run era. Who knows?!?! It's all lost to the sands of time. Good thing I'm back in school! Get those two years I lost to religion back!
Oh, and those pictures are great! I'll send you ones from our recent escapades... feel free to post!
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