Friday, January 08, 2010

New Year, New me?

Seems that every year we all start off with the grand vision of what's to come. Usually, we see a year of prosperity, hope or change. Most of us make "new years resolutions" that we never plan to keep. I have always subscribed to the thought that "no resolution" is always an easy one to keep.

By setting no goals you have nothing to fail also have nothing to strive for! So, this year I have decided to actually push forward and make the mother of all dreaded New Years Resolutions..

**Lose Weight**

This year seems like an apt time to follow through on that goal. Last year I finally saw what the dangers of an unexpected health problem can lead to. As I said few months back, I had the joy of a detached retina. Granted I should have seen this coming since my right eye was Funked up for the better part of the year before I got it checked out. Along with the retina problem I was also diagnosed as Diabetic(during National Diabetes month of all times).

So getting the old weight issues in check seems to be a good place to start. Lower body weight should help bring the diabetes in check...and stave off future eye related issues.

The real eye opener (sorry!) was the hit this would have laid on my wallet if I had been without Medical Insurance. As of now the cost to me is just over $1,000 had I been paying out of pocket for the whole show then it would have come to nearly $14,000. So, yeah!

Since I made the decision to drop the pounds prior to Christmas I have seen my Blood Glucose numbers drop from being near 300 on a regular basis to down around 130. Which isn't as good as is could be..but is a hell of a lot better than it was. I've also dropped about 8lbs just by cutting back on the carbs/cal. and walking between 1-1.5 miles three times +/- per week. At some point I do plan on trying to ride the bicycle I have...but my ass fell of last time I attempted that one!

So the goals are simple...drop a total of 43lbs, the first 8 of which I mentioned are already gone,(which would bring me to 250) keep the Blood glucose in check...and generally be healthier. Which shouldn't be all that hard given the changes I've made to this point (I do miss my friend Doritos though!)

I can't promise to actually make my goal. But, at least this year I have something to reach for rather than just coast through the year.

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