Thursday, June 23, 2011


Well...things finally changed today. I was asked to pack my desk up and go home!!

The writing was on the wall. I pretty much saw it coming.

So here I am now....Working from home! Not in a make $1,000,000 in your spare time flipping from home. Instead I am doing my normal job, just much closer to my bed!

Here's an example of how my day has been altered: my usual day consists of a total of 90min between lunch and breaks...the rest, is work time.

On a normal day for lunch I will re-heat my lunch and watch some random TV show that I have brought in on a flash drive, then spend about 10-15minutes surfing the web. For my break I will surf the web or read a book. Not a lot else that you can get done at 10:30 at night.

Today though was a nice change of pace. I was able to run to Best Buy and return a Cat6 cable I didn't need. Drop a package off with my parents for delivery to the post office. Grab a bit of dinner at the Greek Pita and watch a little Hollywood Treasure over on Syfy.  For my break I fixed a bag of popcorn, watched some Criminal Minds, straightened up my office, started some laundry, and wrote this. All in about 30 min.

Maybe it isn't a big change. Or even a dramatic change. But, I feel like I will be getting more out of my day if ever day can be as packed as this. Maybe in the future I will mix in some video games and cooking just for fun!

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