I spent the better part of an hour the other night trying to re-thread my broken 8-track (nerd) copy of the soundtrack to Star Wars (double nerd). In the end I couldn't get the ends to match up correctly with the length of tape I had...so I made a splice and edited out about 8 seconds of music. Essentially I created my own cut of the master work! Can't wait until the 8-track makes its way back around to that spot to see what it sounds like!
I've also been re-watching a ton of Torchwood and Doctor Who. Which has led me to notice things that make me more nerdy for seeing them! But, also less nerdy for it taking this long to notice. Case in point.
The Resurrection Glove (or the "risen mitten" as Ianto said) from season one & two of Torchwood.
Jack talks about not knowing where it comes from or who built it. After the second glove was destroyed following the mishap with Owen....it was never mentioned again.

So imagine my shock when watching the last episode of the David Tennant Doctor Who series when I noticed Time Lord Timothy Dalton sporting this fine accessory!
So, it would seem that the glove is a perfect match for Time Lord technology. Makes sense, everything relates back to the Time Lords.
Again I felt a little nerdy when I was all of a sudden saying, "Wait, haven't I seen that iron gauntlet with magical properties before?"
In the magical world of Who everything is connected. So I am not shocked that it was included. Either on accident or on purpose. Consider the scene in Flesh and Stone where Matt Smith's Doctor appears to Amy Pond in the forest when she had her eyes shut. That Doctor had lost his jacket whilst escaping from the Weeping Angels and was sans coat when he headed off with river. But, just a few moments later he appears to Amy and he's wearing his jacket again. A situation that I noticed at the time (cause I'm a nerd who is tuned into those things). But, it wasn't explained until the last episode of the season!
See the Doctor frolic in the woods with his swish pink/red stripped shirt, suspender and bow tie (bow ties are cool).
Then only a second after running off he's back and you can detect an obvious shoulder of tweed!

brown slacks and a tweed jacket! That alone should be considered a super power.
It's those little things that make watching and re-watching shows like Doctor Who and Torchwood so much fun!
It also makes me wish I could make it out to Sand Diego for Comicon this year to see some of the amazing SciFi related goodies that will be on display.
I guess I will again have to resort to my back up plan....Paducahcon!! Follow on twitter at @paducahcon
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