I wish I could say that I do a lot of reading...but the fact of the matter is that I don't really have the patience for most books. The last books I actually read were a weekend of Dan Brown books. The DaVinci Code along with Angels & Demons...but neither of those books are the subject here.
I believe the greatest modern invention is actually the audio book. You get the satisfaction of hearing a good story...and don't actually have to do the work.....which leads to the current book of the moment. For those of you who may not know the author let me introduce you to.... Bruce "don't call me Ash" Campbell.
The star of such movie greats as Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, and who can forget Tornado! and two of the greatest TV shows of all time, "Jack of all Trades" and "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." But I digress!!
Now the real joy of this audio book...or rather the "audio movie" is that you get the true feel of the book, through the delivery of Bruce Almighty.
Now don't let the title throw you off. The book is actually a fictional account of what would happen if Bruce was cast in a big budget "A" list romantic comedy co-starring Richard Gere and Renee Zellweger. While the audio book clocks in at six hours it is by no means the longest audio book in the cd rack....but it is by far the most fulfilling.
I really don't know how I have found the time to listen to it two times since last Thursday? But, it seems that when there is down time now all I want to do is throw on the iPod and listen to Bruce give a first hand account of the shit he would have to go through to co-star in a big budget Hollywood movie.
Now I know that I really haven't talk all to much about the book...but then you would have no reason to run to the store and spend the $27.99 on the audio book....now I am sure that the actual book would be a little cheaper...but really, who wants to read?!!
I got this book from boarders, most of the time I go to Barnes & Noble to get my audio books. Best Buy is slowly stocking some audio books and I think that I saw "Make Love" there one day. Really, I buy them from where ever I am when I see one I want!
Brain doesn't work this early...another great place is audible.com Nothing like getting the complete and unabridged DaVinci Code for the low low intro. price of $9.99 (20+/- discs if I remembe!) I would say that is the best place, on the net, to get audio books.
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