Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Movies...

So I decided to try to get back into the swing of my idea of watching all my movies in order and blogging about them...then I realized one big problem in my plan.

The football season is going to start soon. (just watched the first Bears game of the year!) So I don't know how motivated I will be to get working on this..but here are the last three movies I watched..with review in super brief form:

9) 8 Mile-- Eminem plays Eminem and the movie doesn't suck! Who would have thought that a white rapper from Detroit who had to struggle to make a name for himself could stretch his acting skills to play....wait for it...a white rapper from Detroit who had to struggle to make a name for himself! I never watch this movie ... ever ... except in the theatre, when I bought the DVD, and just yesterday...but I can't bring myself to sell it!

10) About a boy -- Hugh Grant. Nick Hornsby's book about a guy who never really grew up until he met a boy who had to grow up to fast suffers from being a British film that was modernized to suite a Global (read here American) audience. Major changes include moving forward from the late 1990's and somehow finding rap music interchangeable with Oasis. Other than that a great film with a heartwarming message...Hugh Grant isn't always a Dick!

11) Accepted -- Justin Long. Kid screws up academically, kid makes up fake school to get his parents off his ass (who hasn't been there really) and in the process somehow gets 100's of kids to pay like 10k to "attend" the university. All in all a funny piece of parts, hands down, go to the king of sarcasm himself Lewis the head of the university. Come to think of it I want to go back to school there! ISU be damned...

Up next: Across the Universe, Adventures in Babysitting, Adventures of Barron Munchausen

*a few new movies have been purchased since this idea first hit me (damn you Zia Records $5.99 mystery DVD grab bag!) so a supplement will be added from time to time with those movies.

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