Well, really this is long over due...and by long I mean it should have been the day after the story broke last month! But, none the less we have a man who, in my opinion, beats out the guy who let his girlfriends ass grow around the toilet seat.
I can only be speaking of one man... Josef Fritz
AKA: Incest Dad (CNN.COM's title...not mine)
If you have no idea who I am talking about here is the short version of his story: He decided to tell his wife that their 18 year old daughter ran off to join a cult (or some such rubbish) when she was, in fact, locked up in the basement where he was keeping her as a love slave...and fathering seven kids with her! Nuff Said.
Congrats Josef...you are officially king of all Douche bags (probably never to be topped!).
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