Granted I didn't have a whole lot of doubt about making it through. But, It was more eventful than I thought it would be...by that I mean I actually did something...one day!
Really there was only one minor near death experience on the way home from the game. But, that was the cars fault! We were undecided on Wendy's or White Castle....and the passenger seat made a split second decision!!

The one thing I realized is that there is one job, hands down, that I would never take....Window washer on a high rise!
Those guys are Fracking Nuts!
Must say that is a job I would rather leave to someone else!

I tried to see how many washers were out as we drove down Lakeshore Drive on the way to Wrigley..and the answer was...Too Many.
I would love to know what the actual statistics are on the number of window washers who have to be saved by the Chicago Fire Department each year!
I have a feeling that the number is staggering!
Once we finally got to Wrigley I decided to jump past the line to get you picture taken with Speed Racer (had it been Speed Buggy I may have stopped) to jump right to the "Mr. Cub" Ernie Banks statue.
My only regret is that I didn't head over to the other side of the park and snag of shot of the Harry Carey statue!
Not too bad a shot seeing as it was taken (as were all these photos) with my iphone. Great device....crappy camera! No zoom...no Video...but it serves its purpose!
Once we got inside, I have to say, I didn't think I was going to enjoy the game too much since I seats were WAY under the overhang.
Usually I like to sit in the Bleechers or down by the field. But, these seats were actually pretty good. Would have been great if the rain had come in...instead it was just BALLS COLD!
Nothing like baseball on May 9th in Chicago when the wind chill is 48 degrees. Wouldn't have been a problem if I had more than 20minutes notice that I was going to the game. Thank God I wore a long sleeve button up that day!
If I had any patience I would have stitched those together and try to make a better shot of the field...but I am too lazy to even attempt that!
Gotta say it was a great day at the ball park...Cubs won, I didn't freeze (or spend $100 on a hoodie) and Kerry Wood looked awesome in the 9th.
Finally two of my favorite shots at the ballpark...the first is Iconic ... Welcome to Wrigley!
Finally two of my favorite shots at the ballpark...the first is Iconic ... Welcome to Wrigley!

It's not clear...but the No Smoking sign is right there on the pillar to the left of the guys head... either he can't read, or he doesn't care. I like to think he is stupid and can't read!
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