I really hate myself right now. It has been a screwed up week to say the least!
Friday, my great aunt Barb died, and the computer at work Crashed AGAIN.
Monday, Audio Card on the Sat. system at the Radio Station died...AGAIN.
Tuesday-Now, Scott Studio system has a full on system crash!
To make matters worse I have to work tonight.
For the past three and a half years that wasn't a big deal...but now I have to kick around at work pretending to care about what is going on...just so I can run home and hope that I can download the new Episode of Lost (since I forgot to set my DVR).
It's a strange feeling to not care about a show for four years then being all pissed that I am going to have to wait a few extra hours to watch said show! I guess I will have to fill my time with a little Nash Bridges! lol...
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