Monday, October 12, 2009
Well, could be worse!!
Down side is that I will be down for about a week and I have no idea how long I will need to be eye-patched up! But the process should help improve/save the vision in my I got that going for me!! In the long run I really hope it will help improve my golf game!!
I will make sure to add some photos to my Flickr page Of the post op goodness!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The big Movie project...
Even if I was jobless and this was all I had to do...I would find other things to do! So I am going to try to keep the spirit of the project alive, if not the actually format. I am still going to plow through a great deal of my movies..and maybe from time to time just review movies I've seen in the past!
With that said lets throw out a fun film I just watched last night....
Terminal Invasion -- (2002) Bruce Campbell
For what, I can only assume, is a made for Sci Fi (excuse me SyFy) was good. Not Godfather good, not Gone with the Wind good...more good in the sense that Roadhouse (R.I.P Swayze!) was a good movie! Bruce plays a convicted murder who is being delivered to prison when his transport runs off the road and he, and his police escort, seek shelter at a small airport during the middle of a blizzard. Seems that aliens are using the airport as a test run on future Earth takeover plans!! For the most part it is played straight by all involved. To his credit I think that Bruce plays the reluctant hero as good as anyone. Especially when he doesn't have to fill screen time by playing the fool at the same time. I love Army of Darkness, Evil Dead, and many others ...but I would like to see Bruce in a more straight laced approach (outside of Burn Notice). All things being what they are...Bruce can do no wrong in my book...if I ever have to sell my movies to get by in life I will have a few seasons of tv shows, a select few comedy flix and my entire Bruce Campbell collection.
Alien Apocalypse - (2005) Bruce Campbell, Renee O'Connor (of Xena fame!)
Just watched a trailer for District 9...shocked to see it looks like they stole the aliens from this Bruce Campbell flick! Premise is this...Planet of the Apes..but Earth (rear earth..not wonky time earth) sub in some giant Preying Mantis' and remove the Apes. Bruce is an astronaut who retuns to Earth to find that the planet has been enslaved by giant bugs that are using the population of the world as slaves to harvest wood....saying that...maybe they were termites? Wasn't paying that close attention! But, we have Bruce in all his campy glory. There's a quest a la Lord of the Rings, a revolt a la one of the Planet of the Apes movies and epic battle a la Bravehart...well may be not. But, still a fun movie --> as I said Bruce can do no wrong!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Beatles music redux...take all your favor tie Beatles tunes, mix in some fun acting ADD Eddie Izzard and you have a few hours of Evan Rachel Wood topless! The musical has made a comeback in the last few years...and this was a high point in my book. Eddie Izzard doing, Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite was great! (DVD extras are a gas!!)
13) Adventures in Babysitting (1987) Elizabeth Shue also a little Bradley Whitford and Vincent D'Onofrio (as Thor)
Far and away one of my favorite movies as a kid. Probably one of my first crushes was Elizabeth Shue!! This was the movie that had me rooting for a cool baby sitter whenever my parents would got out. As an 8 year old I didn't really know that crazy stuff like this wasn't an option when you grow up in small town Illinois..and no one was taking us on an impromptu trip to Chicago. Still a great watch...and until I just checked IMDB I didn't know that Thor was Vincent D' stuff!
14) Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988) Eric Idle, John Neville, Uma Thurman, Directed by Terry Gilliam
Six words to consider when thinking of this movie: UMA THURMAN ON A HALF SHELL.... Terry Gilliam, in true form, gives us a story of uncommon story telling. To truly describe this movie would take more time and space then I am willing to use right now. So believe in the Genius of Terry Gilliam...revel in the performance of former Python Eric Idle...and gander on a young Uma Thurman in all!
Up next (whenever that is): After the Sunset, Da Ali-G Movie, Alien Apocolypse (the first of many Bruce Campbell flix!!!)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
More Movies...
The football season is going to start soon. (just watched the first Bears game of the year!) So I don't know how motivated I will be to get working on this..but here are the last three movies I watched..with review in super brief form:
9) 8 Mile-- Eminem plays Eminem and the movie doesn't suck! Who would have thought that a white rapper from Detroit who had to struggle to make a name for himself could stretch his acting skills to play....wait for it...a white rapper from Detroit who had to struggle to make a name for himself! I never watch this movie ... ever ... except in the theatre, when I bought the DVD, and just yesterday...but I can't bring myself to sell it!
10) About a boy -- Hugh Grant. Nick Hornsby's book about a guy who never really grew up until he met a boy who had to grow up to fast suffers from being a British film that was modernized to suite a Global (read here American) audience. Major changes include moving forward from the late 1990's and somehow finding rap music interchangeable with Oasis. Other than that a great film with a heartwarming message...Hugh Grant isn't always a Dick!
11) Accepted -- Justin Long. Kid screws up academically, kid makes up fake school to get his parents off his ass (who hasn't been there really) and in the process somehow gets 100's of kids to pay like 10k to "attend" the university. All in all a funny piece of parts, hands down, go to the king of sarcasm himself Lewis the head of the university. Come to think of it I want to go back to school there! ISU be damned...
Up next: Across the Universe, Adventures in Babysitting, Adventures of Barron Munchausen
*a few new movies have been purchased since this idea first hit me (damn you Zia Records $5.99 mystery DVD grab bag!) so a supplement will be added from time to time with those movies.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Movie project on hold...
This short collections came to mind after a quick flight back home to Illinois for one of my best friends weddings this last weekend.
No matter where I fly to or from there is a collection of comedy observations that end up making me look like a fool when I fly. These are just a few of those moments:
The BBC show Coupling has an all time favorite of mine...when they are going through the preflight security breifing they use "the two most optimistic words in the English language"-- Breathe Normally, to let you know what to do should the cabin lose pressure!
Dennis Miller (I believe) once stated that he didn't like to us the little A/C vents above the seats because "I feel like I'm diverting power from the main engines"
Personally...I don't feel you should be allowed on a plane if the idea of a Seat Belt has to be explained to you!!
Eddie Izzard makes me chuckle on his whole Bird Strike/Engine suck bird in make soup debate.
Someone once asked me which part of flying makes me more nervious...Take-offs or Landings. My response is which phrase do you hear associated more often with Plane crashes. "The Plane, upon landing..." or "Shortly after take off!" ??
Also, when advised to "move calmly to the neares exit" I can't help but think that Hollywood has it right...I will be over the seat and stepping on people at a moments notice!!
Finally an observation from my recent flight from Peoria, IL to Mesa, AZ -- A guy a few seats back stated, when told that his seat bottom could act as a flotation device..."If we hit a big enough body of water between here and Mesa where I have to worry about floating...odds are I'm going to survive this thing!" Not sure why that made me laugh...but it did.
So, basically from the moment I walk onto the plane until the time I am on the ground I am a laughing fool...and it's EVERY flight. Also, if given the chance fly a local airline out of a small's better than the big airport feel. Which leads me to another observation...if you are flying out of an airport so small that there is only two doors Arrivals and Departure to the place and only one baggage claim carousel..CHECK YOUR BIG ASS BAG rather than trying to force it into the overhead space. Plus if you fly a smaller carrier like I did, (Allegiant air) you get the chance to do fun things like play a mid air raffle for cash!! Lost the flight out (take home of $400) won the flight home (take home of $45).
Nuff said...back to work now!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
BMP #3
The movie that kick started the Seth Rogan/Jude Aptow thing. Had to believe that this was the first time Ihave seen it from start to finish. Usually I just jumped in on the whole box of porn speech or the waxing bit. But, I have to say that I do enjoy me a bit of Steve Carell!! Really, this is a prime example of a movie that's a hit based on more than just the main star. Ensemble comedy is a hit or miss type of deal. If you don't get the right actor/actress in the right part it all come crashing down. 40 year old Virgin is an example of all things going right! If you like stupid, crude, juvenile humor (and who doesn't?) give this one a look.
7) 5th Element (1997) -- Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Milla Jovovich
One of my favorite Sci-Fi action movies of all time. Really it's a shame that I don't watch it more. Bruce Willis and Gary Oldman are in fine form. Granted this movie is no Academy Award winner. It is a fine action movie. (since we are early in the list of movies I need to say that Bruce Willis can do no wrong--hint: I love Hudson Hawk). Great supporting cast in Chris Tucker, Ian Holm, "Tiny" Lister and Luke Perry. I think this was the first movie I saw that made me want to run home and own the movie. Grant back in 1997 that wasn't the option that it is today!
8) 54 (1998) -- Mike Meyers, Neve Campbell, Ryan Phillipe
The story of Steve Rubell and (in)famous studio 54. Sex, Drugs and Disco!!! Basically all you need to know here is that Mike Meyers is NOT funny...and that's a good thing. Meyers got good reviews but if I remember no-one was blown away. Let me restate that.. Iwas blown away. Seriously one of my all time favorite Mike Meyers movies. It's kinda shocking that he hasn't really done another serious movie. I can remember when I got this was the start of my movie collection. One of the 8 free DVD's from Columbia house for the low low price of shipping. Decided that it was a good deal...overpaid for a few more movies..and years later here is where I find myself!
Up Next: 8 Mile, About A Boy, Accepted
Monday, July 06, 2009
The Big Movie Project, 2
Quick time -- Arab guy falls in with a band of Vikings, Battles evil monster, saves day. Longer version -- basically Beowulf with a twist. Same epic hero story line that runs though Beowulf with a twist. This time you get a hero's journey that doesn't start with him being a hero. You get the epic hero story told from zero-to-hero. Best moment: Banderas' character starts to speak to the vikings in thier own language after only a did he do that? "I listened!"
4) 16 Blocks (2006) -- Mos Def, Bruce Willis
Not really sure why this movie has sat on my shelf still in the package for so long? If there are a few things in a movie that I like it's action...and Bruce Willis! Throw in Mos Def and you have yourself a fine movie. Directed by Richard Donner (who knows a few things about action) this moive is a bundle of fun. Actually it reminded me a lot of the Clint Eastwood movie "The Gauntlet" minus the bus...then -- A BUS!!! Alternate ending on DVD gives the movie a nice twist. I know why they didn't go with the alt ending...but really nothing changes. Overall a good solid action movie. 16 more reason why I really, really like Mos Def!
5) 21 Grams (2003) -- Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, Benicio Del Toro
One of the most talked about movies of 2003 finally gets a viewing from me...and I must say one thing. Damn I was confused for the first half of the movie. I like the jumping around style of story telling as much as the next guy. Now, maybe it is because I watched this one late at night. Or maybe I just wasn't in the mood..but, I wasn't blown away! Hate to say it...nothing really kicked it off for me. It was kinda like Return to Me...but less Romantic Comedy and more Drama Tragedy! Love Naomi Watts, Love Benicio Del Torro...not really that excited about Sean Penn. It's a good movie...glad I saw it, but more glad it was gifted to me and not a purchase! Favorite line: "Did you know that eating alone can cause Kidney damage...and that's bad!"
Coming up next: 40 year old Virgin, 54, 5th Element
Saturday, July 04, 2009
The Big Movie Project...
I have recently finished a catalog of my movie collection (just over 700 movies and 260+ TV seasons). I have decided that what I am going to do is work my way through the movies from A-Z. After watching I am going to make a quick review of the movie.
Daunting task I admit...But, should be fun. Also, this will eliminate the need to spend 20 min. deciding what movie to watch! Now I have some DVD's that I have NEVER seen!! Those movies will be noted some special way.
With that being said---the fun has begun.
1) 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) -- Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles
For those with no patience for William Shakespeare this ones for you. Basically at modern take on "Taming of the Shrew". I wouldn't watch the movie in place of reading the play. But, it is a fun movie. Heath Ledgers first big US role could have led to him being in every big "teen" movie of the 90's. Seems Heath had a different view of his future film career and turned down many a teen script after this movie. Highlights--Heath's public display of affection over the PA system. Also, Allison Janney, David Krumholtz and a cast of other favorites!!
2) 12 Angry Men (1957) -- Henry Fonda, Jack Klugman
This is the movie that makes me sad that I have never been selected for Jury Duty. Basically, if you aren't familiar with the concept..this is a what goes on in a jury room film. After sitting through a murder trial, of a boy who killed his father, the jury returns to their SMALL jury room to debate the boys fate. You have clashes of age, culture, personality...and one of the greatest ensemble casts I have ever seen. Shot almost completely on one sigle room set piece that just increases the tension. Nominated for 3 Academy Awards for Best director, Picture, and writing!!It's a must see in my opinion
Coming up next: 13th warrior, 16 blocks, 21 Grams
Monday, March 09, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Things Joe Eats....
Seeing as JK has me "moving internal furniture" to make way for a monster from The Heart Attack Grill
For this experiment in food related journalism I decided to move in the direct opposite burger related direction.!
While the burgers at The Heart Attack Grill may be able to crush your skull (based on pictures) the only hazard the burgers I tried throw at you is choking! These tiny burgers aren't the tiny burgers you sliders here...the culprit this time.
The BK Burger Shot
As you can see there is no tiny easy to grip box...this bad boy comes in an industrial strength container that called for BK to design a larger take out with handles! These tiny burgers are manly in every aspect. Except for the fact that they are really, well, small!
First impression when you open in the box is, "well..there sure are six of them. Just as advertised!"

First impressions are important..never judge a book (or burger) by its cover. Also, if I may digress for a moment..never make fun of a movie based on what you think it will be like...because you may end up loving it later and eating a big bowl of crow....

But I digress....
I also got the impression that the crew at the "BK Lounge" wasn't all that into my late night order. as the above photo kinda shows...the just split the bun and dropped on some meat. The top six was one bun and the bottom part was the same. Granted there are directions on how to dismantle your burgers... Which, if you are going to sit down and eat, in a non driving type situation, isn't a problem. But, if you plan on trying to pull apart the buns "of steel" as you drive down the highway one of two things will happen:
1) you will crash and die, possibly taking others with you!
2) you will end up with two of the six burgers in your lap and on your shirt! (guess which happened to me!)
I must say that I did start off having a bit of a man crush on the burger pack. Mostly because I didn't fear the usual after effects of eating a certain competing mini burger en-masse.
White Castle has nothing to worry about from the BK doppleganger. The only real inprovement is that the burger tasts like...well, a burger. Packaging edge to the BK ( you don't have to order 20+ to get a big box/bag) taste...depends on preference...big edge in my book is that the BK shot doesn't hit the system quite as harsh as the slider. But, that may just be me!
So...on to the ratings!!
Texture: 10/10 (ranked against normal size BK burgers)
It's small, it's really small! But, it is just a mini BK burger. So if that is your thing...this one's for you.
Taste 10/10 (same as above)
It's just a mini BK burger...nothing lost nothing gained!...Sadly the two pickles on the patty were larger than the meat on two of my burgers.

overall 8/10
If you are looking for a smaller version of a larger BK burger...than look no further than the BK Burger Shot..if you are looking for a simple "slider" style burger these are nice (minus the fact that you need to concentrate on seperating each burger from their neighbor!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Long time coming...
All I can say at this point is I'm Scared...and I am also really happy that I don't qualify for a free meal!
I will post a link here after the war has been waged and the proof is up on my favorite other blog site!