Having a hard time putting a face to the name (look below)? This post's title not enough of a hint for you? Well follow the link to the girls gone wild website...of head over to the tamer, more work safe TMZ website.

The part I find funny is that Joe Francis was offering her $1,000,000.00 to show up and just be a 'host"....until a staffer asked if anyone had checked to see if they already had her on tape!
If I was that staffer....and God I wish I was...I would be thinking that a nice Easter bonus should be instore. I would be all, "Joe...I just saved you a MILLION dollars...how about a little extra scratch in the paycheck this month?" I wouldn't be asking for much...$50,000.00 is a nice round number and the company still comes out $950,000.00 ahead!
But, that's just me.
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