I am Sorry!
I have, for years now, made fun of you! Wispered strange things about you and "your show"! I take it all back.
It seems that what started out as a vendetta to stay away from the new "it" show has led me to be about four years behind the curve. Usually, I feel I have made the right choice in situations like this in the past: All reality tv, American Idol, anything with a host who wasn't Regis Philbin, Bob Barker, or Drew Carey...for the most part I have stuck to my guns, and I was right!
But, here I have to digress and say in the immortal words of Denis Leary....oops! I fucked up! Please forgive me for my misguided ways! That being said...I am now officially scared to see any animal out of it's normal habitat. Polar Bears on a freakin' Tropical Island! Seriously what is more freaky that that I ask you? Maybe the paralyzed walking or a fat guy who, on a deserted island with little or no food, lose no weight ( P.S. I want to be Hurley! 156 Million aside).
So there you have it...I have officially become one of the Lost....rather than on of the "others"... and sadly I am not far enough into the series to know what that MEANS!!!
OK, Thanks go out to Chris for loaning me his first and third seasons! Levi for returning the second season to Chris just in time for him to loan it to me...Chris again for getting me season two in a timely fashion! And to Laryngitis, whithout which I am not sure I would have had the motivation to sit down and actually watch season one over the course of two days!
Again...I am sorry.
P.S. This letter brought to you by the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 and 42
(oddly...posted at 1:08pm!!)
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