Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Four Greatest Letters: K.I.T.T.

Need more proof that if you keep anything long enough it will become cool again? Well one of the greatest shows of all time is making it's triumphant return to NBC . On the heels of an updated version of Bionic Woman we get another update of classic NBC fare......

This time around it is a little show about a man and his car, and if we are lucky his car's evil twin!


Coming in February, from the network that brought back American Gladioators, comes the continuation of the Knight Rider Saga......

Now I really don't have high expectations for this show. Granted the previews look Totally BA. Really all I am looking for is something 100% better than the joke that was Team Knight Rider, and just barely better than Knight Rider 2000.

But really, did it get better than seeing K.I.T.T in a 57 Chevy...and giving a full body shock to James Doohan (Star Trek's Scotty) who is playing himself? Classic!

Now this is only a "Backdoor Pilot". What that means is that we are going to get a two hour movie to just get a taste of the new Knight Rider. If it does great...or if it just doesn't suck...there is a chance that later in the season we may have a new show take up space on the trusty DVR. If it bombs....well just be glad that a childhood memory is still cool enough to make it back to TV, even if it is only a two hour movie!

Next up....I want a new MacGyver series. Makes me wonder what ever happened to the long rumored Young MacGyver series that was forever in the works? Even a "update/remake" would work for me as long as you got Richard Dean Anderson involved in some aspect! But, that's a topic for another day!

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