Hard to believe that I am about to write about a Spongebob toy! But, over the weekend I got a number of questions about this toy:
So, what could be wrong with Spongbob? Other than the obvious fact that its creator was high on copious amounts of Drugs!
Well....here is the question I kept getting: "what is the joystick supposed to be?"...."It
Dirty you say?.....look closer and firmly plant you mind in the gutter.
I wish I could say that I wasn't so dirty that I didn't see the loose resemblance to a certain male organ. It's just that I have seen this toy hundreds of times before I got the questions this weekend and never once saw anything wrong.....now that's all I can see.
I can't even look at the game without a chuckle now.
Was this planned? Is is "just a jellyfish"? Or was this the weekend that every drug taker in Champaign County came out to look for toys for the kids? either way I think that Spongebob Square Pants has now been tainted for me!
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