Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Thanks Kirk!

Proof that the writers strike has a far reaching effect!

Kirk Herbstreit Quotes:

On Juice Williams: If you are a fan of College Basketball, Juice would be your point guard

OR: maybe if you are a fan of College Football…he would be your quarterback!!

After USC jumps out to a 14-0 lead….. : If you are an Illini fan this is not the start you were hoping for!

REALLY: I was really hoping that the Illini would start off being down more! Jackass!

On the Illini starting the second half down 21-3.... "I think the Illini have put themselves in a very DISCOMFORTABE position."

OK: Two things: 1) is DISCOMFORTABLE a real word? 2) I think the llini really think they have the upper hand down by 18 points!! again...Thanks JACKASS!!

After a 79 yard Touchdown run by the Illini..."Illinios and Mendenhall have gotten USC right back into this game, the Illini really have a chance to comeback and win now!"

SIGH.....is he getting paid!?

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