I have always found it strange the way the universe seems to work. Here we are almost 24 hours after learning the news of the passing of Heath Ledger and tons of questions still abound.
In this age of digital media we get reports non-stop: He was at Mary-Kate Olsen's place, pills were "Strewn" around the apartment, CNN is reporting no illegal drugs, but other sites are hinting at drug use.... but that's not really where my question lies.

In this age of digital media we get reports non-stop: He was at Mary-Kate Olsen's place, pills were "Strewn" around the apartment, CNN is reporting no illegal drugs, but other sites are hinting at drug use.... but that's not really where my question lies.
Why is it that we always seem to lose guys/girls who are, by all accounts, great people with few or no problems....
ever loving FUCK?

While I won't deny that both are talented....why have then not died yet? It's kinda like looking back on guys like Keith Richards.
The amount of drugs that Keith has been reported to have done over the years is mind blowing! Granted I am happy to say that Keith has found some redeeming social worth over the years. A goal that I don't see either Pete or Amy getting to accomplish.
The list is long on artists who died in their prime....Hendrix, Joplin, Belushi, Gram Parsons, Chris Farley. Looking back on it though it's not really a big surprise that drugs contributed to their demise.
Maybe what is so shocking about Heath Ledger is that he wasn't your usual Hollywood party boy....at least not in the general public's view. While Lindsay Lohan is getting busted for , possession and DUI, Nicole Richie-Paris Hilton-Kiefer Sutherland-Michelle Rodriguez-Nick Nolte-Mel Gibson and countless other celebrities are also in the DUI/drug boat....Ledger was never one who had the public persona of a "troubled" star.
In the end we have to wait to find out the FACTS of the case for Heath Ledger. If hard drugs did play a part then there will undoubtedly be those who will say, "well of course they did...he was a Movie Star!"
While he was a movie star, he was also human. This fact can't be lost. As it has been stated many times over the last 24hours, by many people, he was someones son, brother, friend....and Father.
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