Friday, February 29, 2008
Another Funny Clip...
Not as funny...but still pretty entertaining just the same.
Silent Library...
Welcome to the world of Silent Library!
The idea behind the "game" is that six guys walk into a library (insert bad joke here) and set up the show....six cards are placed on the table one has a Skull...that is the card you want no part of!
The unlucky guy who draws that card is then subjected to a punishment that is displayed at the end of the table on a flip chart.....everything from a "slapping machine", wasabi roll, and my favorite "old man gently biting" are up for grabs.
While you are led to believe that the show takes place in a real library...lets face it...who cares!? This is funny stuff.
My only question is that since this show is like five years old why hasn't SPIKE picked this show up to pair with MXC?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
D-Bag of the Week

Come you didn't see this one coming a mile away!
The man may get another coaching job (hopefully nowhere in Illinios) but I think that should someone hire contract term is that he gets an electric shock everything he looks at a telephone!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Mr. Clemens Goes to Washington...
I get it...don't lie to Congress...but really! Don't our leaders have something better to do?
Just a thought?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Elmo Gets Creepy(er)
While the weapons never fired...atleast they never expressed a wish to kill me.
This poor kid can't say the same thing about his Talking Elmo Doll.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Coming Soon to a Junior College near you....

The worst part of this whole thing is that according to and story Sampson is still going to pocket $750,000 for getting fired! Must be nice. I think I need to get me one of those! By the way...your fired, we hate's a ton of cash! Anyone who takes a chance on this tool and thinks they won't get burned...Good Luck.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
D-Bag of the Week

Some people look to Wednesday as a day to celebrate the near completion of the week. It's a time to look back on the first part of the week and look forward to the weekend!
I too choose to celebrate Wednesday. But for a totally different reason.
This is the time of the week where I like celebrate the: Morons, Idiots, Dip Shits, Tools, general Jackass' that society has served up on, usually, a silver platter.
This weeks D-Bag of the Week Award may or may not be a group award...we will have to wait until he/they are caught.
They only thing wrong with this story is that the person hasn't been caught yet...hopefully when it happens it will be because they fell in an open grave and broke their neck....kinda like the guy who were electrocuted trying to steal copper wiring from a power station...that know, generating POWER.
You just can't feel sorry for those guys!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hello that an AK-47 In Your Pocket?

But, looking at this id hard to tell with all the plastic dura-coat painting!
While I do support everyone's right to bear arms...who the hell needs an Assualt rifle sitting around the house? Unless you are living in the deserts....of Iraq...the answer is NO ONE.
The Many Sides of Lindsay Lohan

Pretty to look at and usually reserved. No Drama here!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Best Show I've Never Seen...
One channel in particular was among his favorites...MOJO HD. It was at this point that he told me about a little show called Three Sheets.
It seems that the whole point of the show is taking the host, Zane Lamprey, and letting him get drunk in all different locations!
Sounds like a brilliant idea for a Show if I have ever heard of one! Kind of like one of the many shows on the food network where guys go around eating food all over the country/world. But, in drink form.
Now all I have to do is get an HDTV to truely enjoy this show...for now I will have to survive on youtube clips!
Just another Tequila Suicide...
Really it's just a Tequila shot with a twist....
You need Tequila, Salt, Lime.... Lick Finger apply Salt then here you go....SNORT the Salt, Drink the Tequila, squirt the Lime in your EYE. Sounds horrible doesn't it?
Well, while I didn't have it in me to do one myself this weekend...our venerable bachelor got him one... Need the poof? Here it is....
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Party like some poor sap is getting hitched.
For those of you who weren't in high school back in the late 90's you may or may not know the joy of Red Dog Beer and Icehouse. Cheap ass beer at it's finest.
The one thing that did throw me for a loop was the fact you can't buy beer and hard liquor in the same location!! Made the trip for the bottle of cognac an adventure. Got to meet the Nashville police chief.....and hear the counter worker call another dude a fucking d-bag. So that was fun.
Still all day today to plow through and an epic drive home! More to come.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day World!!
Here is a happy little card inspired (totally stolen!) from British comedian Jimmy Carr and his hilarious stage show.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
All out of Love....
Now I am trying to remember back to the days when a little PDA was nothing...but I can't think of a time where the cops my have had to be called in to break up the action before it went to far! Or can I .... Bed of Roses wasn't that good a movie anyway... uh...NeverMind....
According to a story from Reuters:
"Thailand's moral guardians are taking action after an Assumption University poll showed 27 percent of 2,400 Bangkok teenagers surveyed said they might have sex on Wednesday."
For the math challenged in the group thats 648 Thai kids (out of 2,400) who said they would celebrate the day of with a little good old fashioned S-E-X.
Nothing really funny here...just thought I would share the love.
D-Bag of the Week...

But, part of me also thought that I could do better, turns out that as of now I am going to have to go with:
Brisbane, Australia resident Geoffrey Martin Fryatt
This week though I am going to have to give out a honary award to: Kingsley Ulame .... His excuse for not being able to "perform" wins an award for creativity...and is just a notch away from making him the biggest D-Bag I found in the past week ("theft" actually happened back in October of last year)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Televised Reality Curling? Really!!!
I fall back on that phrase every time I see the sports of:
Competitive Eating
Cup Stacking
Double Dutch (granted I would die trying this one)
That one gymnastics event with the ribbons....just not sure about that one!
and my favorite CURLING
Now it seems that the demand for televised curling has risen so high that NBC is thinking of adding a Curling show to it's stable of "reality" shows.
I am trying to think of a time when curling was something I actually cared about? Is there actually a time during the year when there is no Football, Baseball, Basketball, or (god forbid) Hockey? I think it is safe to say that, since I am not Canadian (or retarded) curling is nothing more than Men with Brooms.

There you go....the only time I ever cared about Curling! The Paul Gross movie....Men With Brooms.
Proof that Canadians have humor! God I miss Due South!!
Now, back on topic...NBC is thinking of bringing a reality show to the masses about a sport that very few care about (in my opinion)! Who knows maybe there are teens in the slums and ghetto's of this great nation who are thinking to themselves, "If only I had a chance to show what a kick ass Curling Guy (sorry don't know the right term) I am....that's my chance to escape all this!"
According to the linked story about said show...NBC is banking on the draw of either Jon Bon Jovi or John Mellencamp to bring in the views. We all saw how well the Bon Jovi influence worked on the AFL tv ratings.
The other great idea here is Curling in HD..nothing like watching ice melt as you throw a...what the hell is that thing supposed to be anyway, down the track? lane? end?
Oh well! Curling is a strange "sport" I guess I have just never been so cold and bored that I ever thought about trying to do/watch it!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Embrace the Cheese...
I think it's times like this that the poor girls who work at Chuck-E-Cheese wish they had another job!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
D-Bag of the Week

This little award started last week with the guy who pretended to be Heath Ledgers Dad in an attempt to get free stuff from celebs.....and this weeks winner.......
Drum roll please!!
Kurt Havelock, of Tempe the story and then think to yourself, "maybe they were right not to give him a liquor license!!"
Clemens Getting Squeezed?

Other names....
Here is a short list of some of the "celebs" who are taking up valuable space in my brain:
Jermaine Jackson
Tito Jackson
Billy Baldwin
Daniel Baldwin
The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Pete Doherty
Any wrestler from the Mid to late 90's
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dies....

Famous for bringing Transcendental Meditation to the West....and famously making the Beatles look a fool for a few yeares....The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has died.
The question is if it wasn't for his association with the Beatles, would I even know the name?
Probably not!
iPod blog...
While I am on a roll here... I want to send a big congrats out to the NY Giants....and to my buddy Ryan. It WILL get better!!!
Okay, that concludes this test....had it been a real blog post there would have been something pretty to look at!!!
Next time..... Across the Universe. My favorite movie of the year....or pretty damn close to it.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Heath Ledger Drug Video Hits Net

I wasn't sure that I wanted to watch it at first. But, I will tell you that I am glad that I did.
The whole "Hollywood Drug Party" tag is a bit misleading. There are, from what I saw, three other people in the room. Two of the guys do a line of what looks like Coke off of a table in front of Heath. There is also a girl in the room who is talking to Heath at the time.
"I used to Smoke 5 joints a day for 20 Years." seems to be the line that keeps getting played over and over in the bad the full line from Heath is, "I used to smoke like 5 joints a day for 20 years...and that is a reminder that I never want to do that again." (in response to the girl asking him what a tattoo/mark on his hand is?)
As for the, "I am going to catch so much shit from my girlfriend for being here." line.... while the audio isn't top notch it seems that what he says after that is that he is going to catch shit since he isn't home with Michelle and his daughter (who was three months old at the time of the video).
To me I understand why the Hollywood community has rallied around the family to get this video to be shelved. But, on the other hand I think those actions have caused more misconceptions on what is in the video.
Also, if you ask seems that the whole "party" was a set up to get Heath, then Acadamy Award Nominated, in a room with drugs so that someone could make a little money. The video is shot from outside the hotel, through a window that wasn't fully open...but was open just enough for the conversation inside to be heard by the camera.
In the end I would say it is a lot to do about nothing. The whole situation has gotten out of control.....judge for yourself by following the link at the top to view the 8min video.