I fall back on that phrase every time I see the sports of:
Competitive Eating
Cup Stacking
Double Dutch (granted I would die trying this one)
That one gymnastics event with the ribbons....just not sure about that one!
and my favorite CURLING
Now it seems that the demand for televised curling has risen so high that NBC is thinking of adding a Curling show to it's stable of "reality" shows.
I am trying to think of a time when curling was something I actually cared about? Is there actually a time during the year when there is no Football, Baseball, Basketball, or (god forbid) Hockey? I think it is safe to say that, since I am not Canadian (or retarded) curling is nothing more than Men with Brooms.

There you go....the only time I ever cared about Curling! The Paul Gross movie....Men With Brooms.
Proof that Canadians have humor! God I miss Due South!!
Now, back on topic...NBC is thinking of bringing a reality show to the masses about a sport that very few care about (in my opinion)! Who knows maybe there are teens in the slums and ghetto's of this great nation who are thinking to themselves, "If only I had a chance to show what a kick ass Curling Guy (sorry don't know the right term) I am....that's my chance to escape all this!"
According to the linked story about said show...NBC is banking on the draw of either Jon Bon Jovi or John Mellencamp to bring in the views. We all saw how well the Bon Jovi influence worked on the AFL tv ratings.
The other great idea here is Curling in HD..nothing like watching ice melt as you throw a...what the hell is that thing supposed to be anyway, down the track? lane? end?
Oh well! Curling is a strange "sport" I guess I have just never been so cold and bored that I ever thought about trying to do/watch it!
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