Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Nothing screams kickem' while their down like an offer of $12 to reimburse a person for their troubles. I don't think I'd be offended by that offer if I had to wait too long in line at a store or restaurant. I am fairly sure that the offer would piss me off something serious if it was to help ease the pain of my possible exposure to high levels of radiation!

That is what the people of Namie, Japan (and other town around the damaged Nuclear power plant) have been offered for their "troubles".

Seriously, what the hell!!  Too many dropped calls is trouble. A payment being misapplied is trouble. Growing a radioactive lump on your testicle or having a child born with half an arm is a little more severe.

According to a story over at CNN,  "The company (Tokyo Electric) called the initial offer "payment for their troubles," and would not detail how much money is being offered to each community. But Kousei Negishi, who is the manager of general affairs for Namie, said that it was 20 million yen -- about $12 for each of Namie's roughly 20,000 residents."

Talk about making a bad situation worse....We are so sorry for the inconvenience of you having to move out of your homes and your jobs. We understand that the stress of the situation, along with the possible effects of radiation leaks may cause a serious drop in your quality of life. So, for your troubles we would like to offer you this foot long sub, large Pepsi and a bag of sun chips....but wait there's cookies!! 

The only way the $12 offer could have looked worse to me is if they had presented every person with a giant novelty check for the amount!

Seriously...get you act together and realize that just because the situation may call for an offer of money to the people doesn't mean you should make an offer with the first number that comes to mind!

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