So why is this my new favorite sign?
Seriously, I almost cause traffic accidents when I spot a new Blockbuster is going out of business! Who doesn't like getting DVD and Bluray deals at up to 25% off the standard used prices? I know I sure as hell do!
The funny thing is that while they all seem to have the same selection and prices there are a few titles that stick out as odd. The last store I stopped into had used PS3 games on sale for 40% off...but they were still marking a used copy of Tiger Woods 2006 at close to $15. Who wants to pay even $5 for a game that is almost six generations behind?
Movie titles are the same way. While I was excited to get a copy of Fast and Furious on Bluray for $5.15 I was shocked to see that they were looking for $60 for a used copy of Casablanca (granted it was 25% off but still...that's a bit crazy) or a used Bluray copy of Monsters (good movie) was listed, pre-discount, at $29.99. The hands down winner was a Bluray copy of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the ring for $84.99. Call me crazy, but if you are going to buy a movie that has been abused like a rented mule...then it should probably list a lower than new prices. The whole Extended bluray trilogy
In the end I had to reject the copy of Monsters (finally watched it for free on Netflix instant) and picked up an obscene number of titles over the last few weeks.
1. Silence of the Lambs
2. Fast and Furious
3. The Mummy
4. The Mummy II
5. The Mummy III
6. Twister
7. Davinci Code
8. Angels and Demons
9. Day of the Dead
10. Land of the Dead
11. Brothers Grimm
12. Hot Fuzz
13. The Crazies
14. The Collector
My collection has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few weeks and there is still about 5 days before the stores close for good! Now, the only quesion is do I need a fax machine, filing cabinets, massive quantities of candy...or a box of 6 snuggies all at up to 80% off!! (P.S.--the answer to those is no)
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