Here are a few of my personal favorites in the "Fake" category.
If you are looking for a daily dose of wisdom from someone who is not really a celebrity but plays one on twitter. Or if you are looking to read some vile and demeaning comments on celebrities, women, the world, sex and drug use then this is for you. With tweets such as, "Giant snowstorms hitting residents of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin...The last thing the Midwest needs is more white people." or "#thingsImiss Rockstars going on a good ol' fashioned coke binge and fucking up some hotel rooms. You just don't see that dedication anymore."
Elizabeth Windsor -- @Queen_UK
Ever wonder what the life of a Royal is like? What happens when the Duke of Edinburgh gets out of hand? What time gin O'clock is? Here is your go to source. Depending on your sense of humor this may or may not be for you. Not dirty like Gary...but not straight up funny like Steve Martin's account. I enjoy it for some reason. So read it and judge me!
Pimp Bill Clint -- @pimpbillclinton
Pimpin' ain't easy. If anyone should know this fact it's our ex-president Bill Jeff. Again this fake account helps you understand the ins and outs of being a pimp ex-pres. Some of the recent wisdom from the account include, "I call my penis @kingjames because it's a physical freak and it wants to take it's talents to South Beach." or "How crazy is my libido? I've been banging a chick who's worn pantsuits for the last 30 years. THAT'S how crazy..."
Jesus -- @Jesus_m_Christ
If the son of God had a twitter acount...this would not be it!! Trust me! If you take blasphamy seriously don't even think about looking at this account. Some of the less offensive tweets of the last few days are, "It's hard to convince a girl to fuck you when she think you're gay. It's even harder if she's an atheist and thinks you don't exist." or how about, "#lasttimet#lasttimethecavswon Judas and I were friends."
Tomorrow we will take a look at some of my favorite Fictional account. By that I mean those twitter accounts that are set up in the name of a TV or movie character...or related entity/
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