Breakfast at Tiffany's -- 1961
Classics never go out of style. If your significiant other is a fan of Audrey Hepburn this is a can't miss treat. Ladies: if you are a fan of the Little Black Dress see the film and the woman who made it the iconic look it is today. Plus, there's a nice little love story thrown in for fun. Guys: Audrey Hepburn is a great actress and very easy on the eyes. Plus, you will see a few familiar faces in George Peppard (Hannibal from the A-Team) and Buddy Ebsen (Jed Clampett). Personally for me this is a must watch with a great cast and good story. In the end the style and grace of Audrey Hepburn make any of her movies an enjoyable nights watch.
Fools Rush In -- 1997
Matthew Perry picks up Selma Hayak outside a restaurant bathroom. They sleep together, she gets pregnant, they get married...multicultural hijinx ensue! Ladies: it's a funny and sweet romantic comedy about doing the right things for all the wrong reasons. Matthew Perry is funny and people tell me he's cute too. Guys: Selma Hayek is hot and Matthew Perry is funny as hell. I mean who hasn't scored a chick on the rebound outside a bathroom...knocked her up...then married her on a whim a few months later? We can all relate to that right? It's a no brainier movie. You know how it will end. But, in the mean time it will allow you to sit back and relax while having a few laughs at someone else's expense.

You've Got Mail -- 1998
Remember when there was a thing called email? Remember when you would use email to communicate with other people? This is a romantic comedy throw back. You typical formula that has been done a thousand times. Girl meets boy. Boy tries to crush girls tiny book store. Girl talks to boy over email not knowing that he is the boy she has met and already hates. Girl falls for boy and wonders why her current relationship can't be more like her email relationship? Girls: for most of the 90's Hanks and Ryan were the king and queen of the romantic comedies. Let's face probably already know and love this movie. Guys: hate to fall back on this...but Meg Ryan is a cutie! Plus, Tom Hanks is seriously funny. Don't forget that you also get to see him share screen time with Dave Chappelle. Chappelle is funny but don't expect him to be Chappelle Show funny and you'll be fine.
Three To Tango -- 1999

Again a fun watch with a simple to follow plot. Boy meets girl..falls in love...pretends to be gay to hang around with girl. Has to win her love and respect...and fight off her already good looking boyfriend: This movie has a lot working for it in my opinion. Neve Campbell is a good female lead for this movie. She has just the right mix of sexy, smart and funny to keep the character grounded. Matthew Perry again finds himself in the role of romcom goof-ball. This time accidentally pretending to be gay. Lucky for him he has the help of his gay best friend played to perfection by Oliver Platt. Dylan McDermott plays the other man in this comic love triangle. He does pull off the part with a certain flare that makes his character of Charles both sweet and a little dickish. You can almost see what Neve likes in him...but you are most likely not pulling for him to come out on top in this game.

Now, if you are a little less of a traditionalist, than maybe you would like some zombies and brains mixed in with your romantic comedy. At it's core Shaun of the Dead is the story of a bloke just trying to get the girl he loves to come back to him. He has to deal with the fact that he hasn't grown much as a man. He has to deal with the fact that he has let her down in the past. He has to deal with the fact that her friends really don't think he's all that good for her. Oh, and he has to deal with the zombie apocalypse!! Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have created a masterpiece here. It's a romantic comedy with zombies! Or maybe you would like to look at is as a zombie movie with a romantic subplot. Either way if your significant other can get past the carnage and blood shed there is a little something for everyone in this film!

Finally, a romantic comedy that all guys can relate to. Falling in love with a lesbian! Chasing Amy stars Ben Affleck and the hapless and hopeless fool Holden McNeil. Holden falls in love with fellow comic book writer Alyssa Jones (played by Joey Lauren Adams). They hang out, talk, and Holden tries everything he can to make her fall in love with him. It's the uphill battle that you know he probably won't win. Or will he? Director Kevin Smith crafted a fine film here. A smart script, great cast, and some final words of wisdom from the Tubby Bitch himself Silent Bob make this a fun movie. Typical with any Smith film there is some colorful language, some great back and forth between Adams and Affleck and Affleck and Jason Lee. In the end you lean a valuable lesson. Never try to turn a lesbian!
So there you have it. A few alternate valentines day films. You could also go with straight horror/Slasher with My Bloody Valentine or Valentine (David Boreanaz). More traditional comedy: Valentine's Day (2010) or most anything Disney.
In the end the important thing is that if you are spending the day with someone you care about choose something that will make your both happy. The day is really about enjoying each others company. Not really about what you do.
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