Obsession is a funny animal like that. One day it's all you can listen to and the next thing you know it's been a year or more since you've listened to the album. Here is a small selection of cd's that came out of nowhere the other day.
Nellie McKay --Get Away From Me
Here is a CD that came to me from a co-worker recommendation. For the most part I don't jump into an album without hearing any songs, that usually leads to me selling the album shortly after buying it. This CD though was a pleasant shock. At the time it was only $6.99 and at a double album it was a steal. What really sealed the deal for me was the sticker that had a review that stated something to the effect that, "McKay is equal parts Dori Day and Eminem." Who can pass up a comparison like thank? I also hit the Internet to listen to the track "Wouldn't it be nice" A song with a bouncy jazz beat and lyrics like, "If you would, sit so close to me, it would be nice, like it's supposed to be, if you don't I slit your throat! Wouldn't it be nice"
Silverhead -- Silverhead
Silverhead was glam before glam was hot! Silverhead came about after Bolan & T. Rex but just before Bowie came to the states to dominate the music scene. With only this album and the follow up "16 and Savaged" to hold on too they were a solid glam rock band. Lead by Michael DesBarres and Nigel Harrison (who would later play with Blondie). They were the kings of "we're big in Japan". If you look hard enough you can find some live shows from Japan but the self titled album and the follow up are the only studio albums available!
Rocco DeLuca & The Burden -- I trust you to kill me
Deep soulful vocals, killer riffs highlight this debut album. The was a gift from late night TV. Usually when a celebrity is talking about their favorite "unknown" band it's usually a band their kid is in, or a friends kid. With this album it's the PR machine that was Keifer Sutherland in the heights of 24's run that hooked me. I think Keifer was on Letterman one night talking about his record label with friend Jude Cole and he talked about the first release they were putting out. Keifer talked about how he toured with the band as their road manager, before getting fired! That along with a promo clip of him attacking a Christmas tree in the lobby of a European hotel told me I needed to hear this. The highlights are the songs Gravity, Dope, and Gift. Overall though it is a solid album start to finish. Like the other albums on this list, I'm not sure why I tend to move away from listening to this for long periods of time only to rediscover it at a later date?!
Amos Lee -- Last Days at the Lodge
I feel strange putting yet another "forgotten" album on this list that was released in the last few years. But, Amos Lee is an artist that I had no knowledge of prior to 2007. It was that year that I saw him open for Elvis Costello and Bob Dylan. As "unknown" (to me) opening acts go he was only the second guy that I actively looked for his music after the concert. The other being Howie Day who opened up for Tori Amos in 2005 I believe. Again this is an album that is both soulful and rocking at the same time. His current album Mission Bell is a constant fixture in my car CD changer at this moment. But, I have to say this is the album that drew me into his world.
Tara MacLean -- Passenger
This is a hold over from my college days. I remember walking into a used record store just wanting a new CD to listen to until the new Tori Amos CD was released. So I hit the discount bin, shelled out $2 I think, and took this album back to the dorm. I have a soft spot for chick rock...Tori Amos, Ani DiFranco, Michelle Branch and many others. This was probably the biggest pleasant surprise of any CD that I bought as a blind purchase with no knowledge of the artist. Whenever I'm looking to revisit my college days or just chill with a mellow album this seems to pop up. Probably only available to buy if you shop online. I was always mad that there was never a big follow up to this album. I did find a single once with her doing a version of Mad World that was pretty killer. But, no official album that I ever saw. Maybe it's time to look again.
Ani DiFranco -- Little Plastic Castles
This album was a spin off from my love of obsession of Tori Amos. That and I was working at an oldies radio station that used to be a top 40 station. What does that mean? Well, we got a lot of free CD's that didn't fit the format. So, I would get to listen to these CD's and copy them if I wanted. But, in this case I ran right out an bought it. The highlight for me is the track Two Little Girls. A tragic song of friendship, struggling youth off the bus lost in NY, and drug overdose.
Liz Phair -- Exile in Guyville
Again this album was the result of record label mailings at the radio station. When we got the single for "extraordinary" off her self-titled album I went and searched out her older stuff. This little gem filled with catch tunes like: 6'1", Johnny Sunshine, and Fuck and Run. What really makes me laugh every time that Liz comes on is that a few years back that single extraordinary was used as the theme song for the NCAA women's basketball tourney. Why is that funny? Well the chorus of the song is, "I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me, I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary, Average every day sane psycho, Supergoddess, Average every day sane psycho." For the purpose of the TV spot it just repeated the "I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me" part! Got hours more entertainment out of that spot than I did the tournament!!
Gin Blossoms -- New Miserable Experience
You couldn't listen to music in the early 90's without finding at least one song off this album that you liked. Either that or you ended up with a giant case of rage whenever Allison Road and Hey Jealousy come on the radio. The album was released in 1992, a year that saw me hanging out a lot, not paying for much of anything and generally being a lazy no job having slacker. Did I mention that I was also 13 at the time? Ah, Jr. High!! If it wasn't the Gin Blossoms it was Garth Brooks or the Spin Doctors. This album reminds me of those simpler times. Plus, it's still really good!
Amy Grant -- Heart in Motion
For starters....don't judge me! Way back in 1991 (when I was 12) this was the coolest thing ever!! Amy was the first music poster I had on my wall, the first album I knew all the words to, the first concert I ever wanted to go to (and was able to go!!). As a matter of fact that poster stayed on my wall until my parents sold their house in like 2000. Part of me wants to lie to myself and say that it was there because it was covering up a giant rip in the wall paper. But, seriously it was there because I still liked her. Not as much of fan anymore. Not that I don't like Christian music (which is her thing now) but, I'm more of a fan of the old school. This album and 1994's House of Love still have a soft spot on in my heart...and a slot on my CD shelf.
Anthony Stewart Head & George Sarah -- Music for Elevators
Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans, and those who love/tolerate them, may be the only people who know about this album. Or maybe the random fans of Tony's brother Murray Head who had a hit with the song "One Night in Bangkok" from the musical "Chess" back in 1984. I strangely fall into both column A and B. But, in my defense It wasn't until I was looking at Tony Head's wiki page that I made the connection...but I digress. I bought this album based on about a minute clip of Tony, on and episode of Buffy, singing The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes". From there I grabbed a few singles from random, less than legal, sites of him singing at conventions and other random appearances. But, this 2002 release, was a nice surprise. I really hadn't kept up with any fan sites at the time so when I came across this in a Boarders it was an instant purchase. Featuring Buffy cast members: James Marsters, Amber Benson, and Alyson Hannigan (who doesn't sing but can be heard speaking on "End Game".
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