Just a few pro's and con's of dealing with, being, and watching the Undead!
*No need for a job! -- Let's face it, you are not going to get hired to do a damn thing if you come back from the dead. I don't care how great your CV was prior
*There doesn't seem like there is going to be a big need for cash for anything. -- What with the running (or fast walking) around and eating of brains and all.
*You usually don't see a lot of Zombie on Zombie violence. -- Think about that one. When was the last time you watched a zombie movie that had one Zombie attack another, unprovoked.*Life span, such as it is, seems to be pretty decent as long as you can get some brains!
*Pretty much everyone knows how to kill a zombie...so even the dummies among us shouldn't have a steep learning curve on how to battle their way to freedom (or at least help their smarter friends survive a little longer).
*Finally those fencing lessons, baseball swing coach sessions and redneck bow hunting sessions will come in handy.
*You're Fucking un-dead. -- enough said
*Communication skills seem to revert back to grunts and groans with no discernible vocal structure-- On the bright side --> I'll never have to hear a new Justin Beiber song on the radio!!!
*A ton of walking. -- Apparently zombies don't remember how to drive cars so there is a lot of walking and staggering from A to B.
*No sex...at least as far as we know.-- What's the point of living forever as a grumpy flesh eater if, you know, you can't get it on, or even rub one off, without the risk of vital parts just falling off?
*Let's face it, at a certain point we are going to run out of ammo.
Best and worst of the Zombie culture
World War Z
Zombie Survival Guide
Shaun of the Dead
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
The Walking Dead
Everything George Romero
Zombie Strippers
Zombies of Mass Destruction
Most TV zombies prior to The Walking Dead
Running Zombies -- as the motivational picture at the top says, Running Zombies -- Now we're fucked.
Too Close to call:
Internet Zombie Fan fiction-- now I'm not one to begrudge a growing writer...my own blog is no prize winner. But, there has a to be a point where someone says enough is enough. Some of these writers have to have at least one friend who can say "dude, maybe you should just keep that one for yourself." Really this extends out to the whole fan fiction sub genre. Don't get me wrong. Some is actually really good. There are also some underground zombie fanfic graphic novels that are both well written and well drawn. And as zombie art goes...the Internet is filled with bad ass Zombie art. Take this guy for instance who has been tattooed to look like the undead. Over Kill? Yes. Bad Ass? Hell Yes!
While trying to think where my love of the living dead started I would have to say it was one of the many original Night of the Living Dead movies. Which transitioned me nicely into video games like Resident Evil and then back into movies like Shaun of the Dead, Resident Evil, Night/Dawn/Day of the dead.
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