Another year in the life of me has come and gone. I'm a year older and really none the wiser. I'm not making the same mistakes that I made in my youth...but still making mistakes!!
What fun would a mistake free life be? Lucky for me none of the mistakes that I am making now are "life changers" Most of my recent mistakes are of the money management type. But, with a new years come a renewed effort to change that....or at least alter it a bit.
The new year always brings resolutions give you something to strive for during the year....but over the last few weeks I've seen a ton of people update their "bucket list"....AKA things to do before you die!! Kinda like a new years resolution, but with more time to follow through than just a year *hopefully*
So not to be one to miss out on a current trend I too will throw in my 2cents and push forth a bucket list.
1. Travel abroad (hope to check this off this summer)
2. Go to a "ghost hunt" event at the Stanley Hotel
3. Get married and have kids
4. Go to a Superbowl/World Series game featuring the Bears/Cubs
5. Make/Win enough money to own a car that costs more than small house
6. See the Pyramids
7. Shoot under par for a round of golf at a major course
8. Kiss a girl on the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower
9. Fly in a private jet
10. Go to the baseball and football hall of Fame
11. New years in Time Square
Those are the major items...minor items to be filled along the way (in conjunction with above): Irish Pub crawl in Dublin, Jack the Ripper walking tour, visit the Great Wall of China, Fish and chips from a lunch van after a night of drinking in London...]
For right now I would say those are the main items on my list. I don't feel a great urge to swim with the dolphins, or write the great American novel. If either happen I won't be mad...I just won't be looking to actively check them off of my list.
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