Remember when there was a "National Switch off your TV" Day/Week? Heck if memory serves even the networks would run PSA's about getting outside during the time or reading a book. Or, God forbid, talk to your family.
I've searched the Internet and can't find a major campaign that is still pushing this thought.The campaign nearest that I could find out there is the NFL Play 60. Now, before you get too crazy, I'm not one for bringing this back. I'm a firm believer in the fact that good TV is a perfect babysitter (although I have no kids to test this theory out on!) and that the warm glow of the boob tube is a great way to wind down your day.
It seems that while companies would like to see you make the shift to a more family centric life...they have stopped reminding you what you should and shouldn't do. That, in my opinion is a good thing. Preachy commercials bug me to no end. The only time that a firm recommendation is handed out seems to be when a drug company is recommending you to "discuss" with your doctor what drugs you should be taking. Because nothing trumps a medical degree like remembering a catchy comerical It even seems like these companies are proud of the horrendous side effects: Explosive migraine, bleeding ulcer, sudden loss of vision, increased risk of TB, loss of bladder control and my personal favorites --- possible death and/or suicidal thoughts. Those last two usually with depression medications for some reason.
"Take drug X it will help cure your depression..." *medical disclaimer* thoughts of suicide and increased suicidal tendencies have been noted in some patients. It may just be my warped, non-medical, mind. But, should a drug that is meant to be given to a person who is thinking about or has attempted, suicide really have the side effect of increasing those thoughts and desires?
But, I digress....
Now, this thought crept up on me not in the sense of watching too much TV...but, when it comes to the monster that is Facebook.
I'm pretty sure that between the time I get up and when I go to bed I mush check Facebook about 50times. That doesn't take into account when I get an alert on my phone that someone has mentioned me or replied to a post, or replied to a post I put a post on!! Seriously it's offensive how much time I spend looking at Facebook.
You want to know the real sad part? I only really stay connected to a handful of my 215 friends. From time to time I will pop in a comment, a like, or a birthday wish on an additional persons page. But, I would say about 10% of my "friends" are people I read their status' each and every day.
According to a 2007 Bloomberg story "US employers may lose $1.2BILLION in work productivity due to the NCAA tournament." That was in 2007 and I would guess that number has grown. I would say the yearly loss due to Facebook is close to doubling that!! That is not based in fact...just a personal thought.
Not sure why this jumped into my head but it fills the blog space that I'm not getting paid to fill. More importantly it will later update to my Facebook profile and give me one more thing to obsessively review and await responses!!
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